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Kaspersky Rescue Disk + USB Tools

Kaspersky Rescue Disk - bootable CD containing the scanner Kaspersky Anti-Virus. Boot with the disk Kaspersky Rescue Disk, to detect and remove the infected computer malware and other threats without the risk of infecting other files and computers. Kaspersky Rescue Disk allows you to more effectively cope with the virus, as this disc does not require loading Windows, and therefore malicious programs will be inactive.

Features of Kaspersky Rescue Disk :

-Start computer with CD / DVD / USB-Media
-Boot the computer in a graphical and text mode
-Retention of information about hardware systems in electronic form to send it to -Kaspersky Lab in the event of an unsuccessful download
-Search malware startup objects and treatment facilities Autoplay
-Search and destroy malware in the boot sector mapped drive
-Search malware and treatment of files on disk
-Support for MS Dynamics Volumes and Hardware RAID

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