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Prototype (2009) Full ISO Single Link

Prototype is an open-ended action-adventure game that puts players in the role of a smart young scientist named Alex Mercer -- in a sense, the title role. Alex has been infected with a virus that gives him amazing powers of genetic manipulation, allowing him to alter his physical form. By adjusting his biomass at will, he can leap and safely fall from great heights. He can detect smoke-screened enemies or other infected beings with enhanced vision. He can transform his arms into cutting blades or heavy sledgehammers. He also can take the shape, and even the memories, of opponents he defeats and "consumes." Alex once worked for an innovative and influential genetics research firm, but his memories have been taken from him. He is now alone, in an evacuated New York City. To survive, he must hunt.

Minimum System Requirement

*Windows® XP (S.Pack 3) and DirectX® 9.0c or Windows Vista® (S.Pack 2)
*256 MB 3D hardware accelerator card required - 100%
*DirectX® 9.0c with Shader Model 3 support*
*Pentium(R) Intel Core® 2 Duo 2.6 GHz or AMD Athlon 64 X2 3800+ or better
*1 GB of RAM for Windows ® XP / 2 GB Windows ® Vista systems
*8 GB of uncompressed hard disk space

Installation Notes

1. Extract RARs
2. Mount or Burn image
3. Install
4. Copy crack to install dir

Note : Copy download link and paste


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